The new NWAS Blackpool Ambulance Hub is now open!
March 16, 2023
We are excited to announce the new NWAS Blackpool Ambulance Hub is now completed and officially opened on Tuesday 14th March 2023.
Bluesky Architects designed the new state-of-the-art ‘hub and spoke’ Ambulance Hub in South Shore, Blackpool. We worked in collaboration with Northwest Ambulance Service NHS Trust (NWAS) and Galliford Try on this project.
Alison Quinn, Director said: “It is great to see our design for the new NWAS Ambulance Hub in Blackpool come to life. Over the past 15 years Bluesky have successfully delivered over 40 health care schemes, which range from new build designs of large community based primary care facilities and acute hospitals to Ambulance and Fire Community Stations. Our expert team use flexible design solutions to ensure we meet the rigorous and complex needs of these multifaceted user groups.”
Bluesky Design Services are on the NHS Business Services Consultants Framework for architectural design and can provide you with easy direct appointments to save you time and money as we are already fully procurement cleared.
Get in touch with the team today to discuss how we can add value to any bid or project team:
Tel: 0161 475 0220
Email: info@blueskyarchitects.co.uk
#CreativeDesignSolutions #Architecture #ProcurementCleared #NHS #AmbulanceHub #BlueLightDesign